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martedì 22 aprile 2014

A new special leading guide join the Alexander Bike Hotel: from skiing to cycling, the nice story of the young Chris

Here he is! The best 2014 news from our hotel is the coming of Chris. The new leading guide from Alexander Bike Hotel is a really good way to start the bike season. He is young! very young!  23 years old from Veneto, University of Urbino student,  has just start up his new work and sport challenge. The boss Roberto during winter time was looking for a new guide "tuttofare", expert in cycling, good mechanic and rider as well. And he got the best: Chris! 
The guys is really a good athlete. Coming from skiing, a long career in his mountain and Veneto's sourranding area, in the beginning of april is already the leading guide of the Alexander Hotel bike guests. A lot of energy, smiling to everybod, a sincere and funny good feeling with all the clients, helping them to find out the routes and the beauty of the Marche and Romagna hills. 
Chris has already done in a few weeks a lot of kilometres, always in the front of the group, never looking tired (as often happened to the other "old" guides like Andrea :-)...he is absolutely a natural talent of cycling, spinning his crank always strong, taking wind, never giving up! 
Good job Chris...keep us posted about your Alexander's cycling enterprises! We support you!

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