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mercoledì 12 luglio 2017

Cycle-in cinema

Londra, l’organizzazione Magnificent Revolution promuove dal 2012 i cycle-in cinema: si entra in bicicletta e, al posto delle normali poltrone, gli spettatori trovano una rastrelliera alla quale attaccare il proprio mezzo che, collegato a mini-generatori, fornisce l’energia necessaria a proiettare il film.

Magnificente Revolution as promoted in London since 2012 the cycle-in cinema: a pedal-powered cinema playing films related to the location, including the premiere of Deva Palmier's 'Southbank Unseen'. The idea is that viewers cycle to the cinema, hook their bikes to the generator and power the performance. Movie soundtracks are broadcast using a wireless transmitter allowing audiences to tune in to the performances using their mobile phones. 

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