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sabato 11 novembre 2017


Una nuova arma per combattere i ladri di biciclette!!

Anche se mettiamo un lucchetto o una grossa catena,basta poco per toglierla per un esperto ladro
Per proteggere la nostra bici, potremmo ricorrere ad un nuovo ed efficace antifurto che va fissato al telaio. 

Il funzionamento è semplice e allo stesso tempo sicuro, basta premere il pulsante “B” per 2 secondi, dopodichè si attiva il sensore di movimento impostabile su 3 livelli di sensibilità, onde evitare falsi allarmi imputabili al vento. 

Se qualcuno proverà  a portare via la nostra bici, si azionaerà l’allarme sonoro con potenza a 80 decibel per 15 secondi. 
Se il ladro non si spaventa e vuole manomettere l’antifurto, questo si metterà a suonare ad oltranza fino a che non viene digitato un codice speciale per disattivarlo, utilizzando i tre pulsanti (A-B-C). 

A new weapon to fight bicycle thieves !!

Often times a chain or a bike lock is just a minor inconvenience to a bicycle thief who wants to pinch your ride. And while removing the wheels and your bike seat is a useful visual deterrent, it can also be a giant pain to deal with day in and day out. 
So like the blinking dashboard light of your car’s alarm system, this bike-specific anti-theft alarm is supposed to let would-be thieves know that they’d best move on to the next bike lest they set off an ear-piercing alarm while trying to steal yours.
It connects to your bike with a set of included nuts and bolts, and since it’s completely weatherproof it never needs to be removed, even if you leave it locked up outside. Arming it is as easy as pressing the ‘B’ button for just 2 seconds, at which point a motion-sensitive alarm is activated which can be set to one of 3 different sensitivity levels. 
If and when someone tries to tamper with your bike an 80db alarm will sound for 15 seconds, hopefully scaring them away. If they continue to tamper with it the alarm will continue to sound, requiring you to enter a custom 4 digit code using the three buttons to deactivate and disarm it. (i.e. BACA) It’s powered by a single 9V battery which will probably keep it powered for months on end with no incidences.

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