The ideation of the bicycle is attributed to Leonardo by a drawing of 1493 (considered by some to be false) in which we can see an almost modern model: two wheels with the same diameter, a saddle, a handlebar and the chain with the pedals!
Ma l'idea di sostituire il cavallo con qualcosa a locomozione umana è nata anche a Stephan Farffler, che nel 1649 ideò un triciclo per andare a messa tutte le domeniche.
But the idea of replacing the horse with something to human locomotion was born also to Stephan Farffler, who in 1649 devised a tricycle to go to Mass every Sunday.
Passare da tre a due ruote è un'impresa realizzata in parte solo agli inizi dell'800 grazie a Karl von Drais, l'inventore dello sterzo.
Moving from three to two wheels is a company that was only partly built in the early 1800s thanks to Karl von Drais, the inventor of the steering.
Ma è con P. Michaux, nel 1861, che nasce il primo "velocipede" a pedali definito "Grand Bi" (per le sue dimensioni).
But it was with P. Michaux, in 1861, that the first "velocipede" with pedals called "Grand Bi" (due to its size) was born.
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