Cycling & Blogging: welcome on your finish line on the Adriatic Coast!!! sei entrato nel Blog ufficiale dell'Alexander Bike Hotel di Gabicce Mare!

domenica 29 aprile 2012

A letter received from Sweden. Thanks Captain Lenhard, see you next time in Alexander's Bike Experience

A nice e-mail just received from Sweden. It's Lenhard Nymann, the Captain of the blu & yellow team, last week here in Alexander spending with us a great time toghether.
These are his words. Thanks Captain...see you next Alexander's bike experience!

"Now, when my third every year week will end, I am as satisfied as I have been the years before. To do a bike holiday in Hotel Alexander is both a holiday and an extraordinary training week. The management is wonderful, the food excellent , the rooms are good and the tour leaders are very understanding and pushing, so everyone can get what he/she wants. A week to remember the whole year till next time". Lenhard Nymann

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