Ha pedalato attraverso foreste e laghi, deserti e città per documentare lo stato dei fatti.
Il suo progetto “Ocean traceless” nasce con un diretto intento di sensibilizzazione attraverso la realizzazione di un lungo viaggio in bici: da Quito a Santiago del Cile in un percorso che copre più di 5000 km per dimostrare che il tutto è fattibile mirando il più possibile all’impatto zero.
Una bici inconsueta e perfetta allo scopo grazie al telaio in Bambù messo a punto tramite la collaborazione con “Bam cicli” che si è resa disponibile a credere e ad appoggiare il progetto.
Il mezzo di trasporto utilizzato è stata la dimostrazione più tangibile, un materiale alternativo e sostenibile in rappresentanza di tutti quei materiali di identica,se non migliore,applicazione rispetto ai materiali tradizionali.
Da normalissimo cittadino del mondo Dario Nardi prova a lanciare il mio messaggio:
"Non bisogna vivere come degli eremiti sopra i monti per poter fare la nostra parte, e fare la nostra parte non deve per forza voler dire rinunciare a tutto quanto e fondare una associazione ambientalista che salvi il mondo. Il concetto stesso del tutto o niente è unicamente controproducente ed inapplicabile. Fare la nostra parte per restituire al pianeta una minima porzione di ciò che ci ha donato da quando siamo nati dovrebbe diventare un obbligo morale per tutti, senza imposizioni. Dallo stagno dietro casa all’oceano pacifico, dalla collina assolata a pochi chilometri da noi alla cordigliera delle Ande, dal parchetto alle immense distese del deserto di sale Boliviano: tutto dovrebbe beneficiare dello stesso grado di rispetto e protezione necessario affinchè continuino a rimanere bellezze di tale entità."
It was a long journey that one in South America by Dario Nardi, 32 year old biologist from Ferrara, chasing the traces left by plastic pollution where the situation is more serious.
He cycled through forests and lakes, deserts and cities to document the state of the facts.
His project "Ocean traceless" was born with a direct intent to raise awareness through the creation of a long trip by bike: from Quito to Santiago de Chile in a journey that covers more than 5000 km to show that everything is doable by aiming as much as possible at zero impact.
An unusual and perfect bike for this project thanks to the bamboo frame developed through the collaboration with "Bam cycles" which has made itself available to believe and support the project.
The means of transport used was the most tangible demonstration, an alternative and sustainable material representing all those materials of identical, if not better, application compared to traditional materials.
From ordinary citizen of the world Dario Nardi tries to launch my message:
"You do not have to live like hermits on the mountains to do your part, and doing your part does not necessarily mean giving up everything and founding an environmental association that saves the world. uniquely counterproductive and unenforceable: doing your part to give back to the planet a small portion of what it has given us since we were born should become a moral obligation for all, without impositions, from the pond behind the pacific ocean, from the sunny hill to a few kilometers from us to the cordillera of the Andes, from the little park to the vast expanses of the Bolivian salt desert: everything should benefit from the same degree of respect and protection necessary to keep the beauty of this entity. "
It was a long journey that one in South America by Dario Nardi, 32 year old biologist from Ferrara, chasing the traces left by plastic pollution where the situation is more serious.
He cycled through forests and lakes, deserts and cities to document the state of the facts.
His project "Ocean traceless" was born with a direct intent to raise awareness through the creation of a long trip by bike: from Quito to Santiago de Chile in a journey that covers more than 5000 km to show that everything is doable by aiming as much as possible at zero impact.
An unusual and perfect bike for this project thanks to the bamboo frame developed through the collaboration with "Bam cycles" which has made itself available to believe and support the project.
The means of transport used was the most tangible demonstration, an alternative and sustainable material representing all those materials of identical, if not better, application compared to traditional materials.
From ordinary citizen of the world Dario Nardi tries to launch my message:
"You do not have to live like hermits on the mountains to do your part, and doing your part does not necessarily mean giving up everything and founding an environmental association that saves the world. uniquely counterproductive and unenforceable: doing your part to give back to the planet a small portion of what it has given us since we were born should become a moral obligation for all, without impositions, from the pond behind the pacific ocean, from the sunny hill to a few kilometers from us to the cordillera of the Andes, from the little park to the vast expanses of the Bolivian salt desert: everything should benefit from the same degree of respect and protection necessary to keep the beauty of this entity. "
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